Calculated Tokens
This property box allows you to define the custom tokens created by the Token Calculator activity.
To configure Calculated Tokens
- Add the Token Calculator activity to your workflow definition by dragging it from the Toolbox Pane and dropping it in the Designer Pane.
- Select the activity in the Designer Pane.
- Under Calculated Tokens, in the Properties Pane, select New Token.
- In the New Token dialog box, type a name for your new token next to Token Name.
- Below Token Name, select a function and click
. For a complete list of formulas for Token Calculator, go to Formula Descriptions.
Show me an example.
- Click Test Formula to make sure you set up the formula correctly.
- In Token Tags, set the token type. If the type of the token value is a number, for example, you must select "Number" in Token Tags.
- Click OK.
- Optional: You can add to and organize your custom tokens in the
Calculated Tokens property box in the Properties Pane.
- Hide the expression details in the Calculated Tokens Pane by clicking Hide Details.
- Modify a custom token by clicking on the custom token's name or expression.
- Create additional tokens by clicking New Token.
- Delete a token by clicking the red X
- Reorder custom tokens in the Calculated Tokens property box by clicking the green arrows
to move the tokens up or down on the list.
Note: To use mathematical expressions to create custom date and time tokens, use the Date Token Calculator activity.
Note: Typing in decimal numbers (e.g., 3.5) in the Sum and Average functions is not supported when your regional settings use a comma as the decimal separator.
Note: You can use tokens created with this activity to create more tokens within the same activity. To reference a token created in this activity, the referenced token must be listed before the token that refers to it in the Calculated Tokens property box.
Tip: To easily create a complex mathematical expression, first create a series of simpler expressions. Then, reference the tokens of those simpler expressions in an additional calculated token. See an example.